DCLI Road Service Is Now RapidLink Repairs

DCLI Road Service Is Now RapidLink Repairs

Reading Time - 2 mins
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DCLI Road Service is now RapidLink Repairs—and with this change comes an important update on how we’ll communicate with you regarding road service for DCLI pool chassis.

What’s changing? 

  • New email addresses—All road service personnel will now contact you from an email address ending in @rapidlinkrepairs.com instead of @dcli.com.

What’s staying the same? ​​​​

  • Continue to submit service requests for DCLI pool chassis via:

  • Continue to contact us at:

  • Invoicing processes for any rebilled charges

To ensure you continue receiving important information from us, including service communications, we recommend adding the following email addresses to your contacts or safe list:

Road Service Dispatch: roadservice@rapidlinkrepairs.com
Customer Success: customersuccess@rapidlinkrepairs.com

Service events for non-pool equipment will be handled by RapidLink Repairs. Visit the website for more information about fast, reliable, and cost-effective service for your fleet of equipment.